Showing posts with label Pansy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pansy. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Post 71: A Pot of Purple Pansies 8x10 Acrylic

Painting Name: A Pot of Purple Pansies

There are so many types and colors of pansies, I don't see where I could possibly not paint more. 

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10 Stretched Canvas
Framed?: No
Edition Year: 2021
Prints Available Upon Request or on Etsy

About this Painting…

Pansy, or pansies, the dictionary describes as, "a popular cultivated viola with flowers in rich colors, with both summer- and winter-flowering varieties." 

I have always liked these little flowers and their colors are quite extensive, but the first pansy colors I am painting is a purple - blue pansy with some white, yellow and a touch of orange in its center in a terracotta pot on a light green background.

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Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member? Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review!

Post 70: A Painting in Progress: A Pot of Purple Pansies

A Painting in Progress: A Pot of Purple Pansies

Now I have movie quotes going. I'm sure it's not the first time and it will definitely NOT be the last. 

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10 Stretched Canvas
Price: $Pending
Edition Year: 2021
Commissioned? No

Painting in Progress Images…
Doesn't everyone have a favorite flower? Actually, most would say these are my top ten flowers probably because there are just so many flowers that we love that it is hard to name a single one, I believe. What would you name in your top ten, or do you have a single favorite? Leave your comments, below!

Pansies are just ONE of mine. Remember in the movie, "You've Got Mail" when Meg Ryan's character is talking about her favorite flower?

Kathleen Kelly:
I love daisies.

Joe Fox:
You told me.

Kathleen Kelly:
They're so friendly. Don't you think they are the friendliest flower?

For me, not so much on the daisy...
Pansies just make me smile and know that spring is here. So many awesome colors and such delicacy. They can be fancy and frilly, but they don't have to be. They can be dressed in solid colors or wear a mixture. Kind of a tough little flower too.

So as always, a painting must start with a background

These pansies decided to be purple so far, with some white, and I think some yellow is coming.

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February 14, 2021 11:15 am

How to Shop, Follow, Like, Comment and do all the social things for my painting Artworks: 

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Instagram: DL Art on Instagram
Pinterest: DL Art on Pinterest
Behind the Canvas Blog: Donna’s Cave Paintings Blog

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member? Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review!