Painting Name: Sun, Sand, Surf Seashore
SKU: 01R21ACMedium: Acrylic
Size: 16x20 Stretched Canvas
Price: $370.00 + Shipping
Framed?: Yes, a simple black floating frame
Edition Year: 2021
Commissioned? No
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About this Painting…
I debated for awhile...paused in painting...I thunk and I thunk and I thunk.
Should I put in a boat?
A sailboat?
A ship?
A beachball?
An umbrella?
A beach chair?
A bird?
Anything else?
Final decision, no.
Leave the scene to your imagination.
Much like staging a house with only the essentials so that you can imagine what the room is used for and how you will live in the house, I leave the painting to you to imagine yourself HERE.
So what do you think?
I think the point IS that sometimes a painting is a "Vacation on a Wall". You wish you were there or a reminder of a time when you were in a similar place.
Maybe sometime soon I will add in one or two of the other touches, but I rather like "cutting the clutter".
If only I could do so around the house...
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