Saturday, November 21, 2020

Post 27: Coda in the Corner, 12 x 16 Acrylic on Canvas

Painting Name: Coda in the Corner 

(in progress)
SKU: #11AB20AC
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 12 x 16 Stretched Canvas
Price: $ pending
Edition Year: 2020

The story behind Coda in the Corner: Coda is a Pomeranian and belongs to a dear friend of mine. She currently has 2 dogs - Coda and Chloe. I had gone up to Lewes, Delaware with my friend and her husband as they had just purchased a condo there (around 2013 or so) and were preparing it for some updates so it was empty. Us girls were definitely doing some Lewes shopping while there!

The 2 small dogs were romping around on the living room floor with Coda pestering Chloe (as most males do, you know) and my friend was reprimanding Coda to stop it. She sent him to the corner. And he actually did it. She said "STAY". He stayed. Actually, he wasn't "smiling" and I may change that yet but he had that expression that said, "I know I done wrong". It was hysterical. The picture I took of him is so dark it is hard to see his features but here is...

He stayed in the corner for awhile too. At least until she said he could move again. We still laugh about it.

Coda and Chloe November 2020

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review! 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Post 26: Walking Away aka Elephant Butts 12 x 16 Acrylic on Canvas

Painting Name: Walking Away

AKA - Also Known As: Elephant Butts 

SKU: #11AA20AC
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 12 x 16 Stretched Canvas
Price: $210.00 + shipping
Edition Year: 2020
Acrylic Elephant Painting of momma and baby elephant walking away from the viewer. 

While working on "Elephant Butts", a friend of mine laughed when she saw the rough draft. My own mother said, "Donna, you are going off the rails now." My thought was, well painting is supposed to be FUN isn't it?

Seriously, it is far better for large animals to be walking AWAY from you than coming toward you I would think. Or any animal with very sharp teeth. Or bugs.

Anyway, I liked the idea of it and thought it was cute so to canvas it goes.

Of course, will update when its completed.

So here is the updated "Walking Away" aka "Elephant Butts". You know, wrinkles are not easy to paint, who would have known?

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review! 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Post 25: Sailing Away 16 x 20 Acrylic on Canvas

Painting Name: Sailing Away

SKU: 11Z20AC
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 16 x 20 Stretched Canvas
Price: $375.00 + shipping
Edition Year: 2020
Frame: Black Floater Frame
Acrylic nautical painting of a sail boat moving along the water with an aerial view. 

 "Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be".... you may recognize the lyrics to "Sailing" by Chris Cross, so scroll down and click the video to play.

Again, for this one you MUST have the mood set, so click to play in the background:

Always did love this song...
Anyway, here it is November 6, 2020 - and here in the USA it has been traumatic. Sailing Away has been on a LOT of minds this week.
"Calgon Take Me Away" might have worked too but I am NOT painting the idea of that.

Painted it - 2 shots while on the easel

NOTE: This painting is on display at TG Hair FX at Belmont Bay across from the Marina  starting from Feb. 3, 2021

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Post 24: Belmont Bay Harbor Marina in Woodbridge, VA 16 x 20 Acrylic on Canvas

Painting Name: Belmont Bay Harbor Marina in Woodbridge, VA - Occoquan 

SKU: 11Y20AC
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size:16 x 20 Stretched Canvas 
Framed?: A simple Black floating frame
Edition Year: 2020
Check Availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

A river marina painting of local Belmont Bay Harbor Marina in Woodbridge, Virginia on the Occoquan River. A vivid blue sky, reflecting on the water, this original artwork captures a day-to-day, mid fall docking one afternoon. 

It is fun to do local spots - challenging to get them "just right".

Just finishing this one up - Belmont Bay Marina

Take a look at the area at

Here is the painting from the photo I took - artists can and do take "artistic liberties" here and there. The photo is added below as well that I worked from. It was a beautiful day in mid October when I took the picture with fall quickly seizing the leaves on the trees. A barge came past too, which was cool to watch.

And the photo I took of that day.

I may tinker a bit more with it...and try to remember to update the painting photo here. 

Update November 6, 2020 - After a bit of tinkering there is really a point the brush must go down or things can get ugly fast. I think I hit it just now so here is the latest...

Side note: A friend of mine has a hair salon there with this location as a VIEW!! What a view, right!

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review! 

Post 23: Wood Plaque Seaside Beach (SOLD)

Wood Plaque Seaside Beach with real sand and shells

Medium: Wood Plaque, Acrylic Paint, real sand, small shells, faux grass
Price: SOLD, no longer available
Edition Year: 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Post 22: Things that are...Red, Blue, Green or Yellow - Series of 4 10x10 Acrylic on Canvas

Things That Are Series

1.Things that are Red - SKU: #10W20AC

2.Things that are Green - SKU: #10X20AC

3.Things that are Blue - SKU: #10V20AC

4.Things that are Yellow - SKU: #10U20AC

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 10 x 10 Series of 4 Mini Paintings on Stretched Canvas
Price: $125.00 for all 4
Edition Year: 2020

Took a bit of a break with this series of 4 paintings. Maybe you need to really know your pop culture but can you name everything? There are anywhere from 16- 19 things per canvas. I had fun with these. Sure, you could have a red dress or a yellow dress or a blue dress (oh yeah Monica's dress, could have added that one...) but I was striving for more of a "this THING is THIS color vibe. Anyway, have fun trying to name them all.

"Things that are..." Series of 4

Things that are Blue

Things that are Green

Things that are Red

Things that are Yellow

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Post 21: Hibiscus 11 x 14 Oval Acrylic on Canvas

Painting Name: Hibiscus

SKU: 10Q20AC
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 11 x 14 Oval Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2020
Check Availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

Hibiscus 11 x 14 Oval Acrylic on Canvas - Flowers may appear easy to paint - maybe for some people they are. To me, they aren't - at least so far. I painted this one over a couple times and still am not "satisfied" as yet. An obstacle to overcome so I will try more flowers in the near future. Some flowers are so delicately beautiful it is hard to capture the detail. Wish me luck!