Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Post 34: Koi Fish and Lily Pads 8x10 Acrylic Painting on Stretched Canvas

Painting Name: Koi Fish and Lily Pads

Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 8 x 10 Stretched Canvas
Price: $99.00 + shipping
Framed?: Yes, a simple black floating frame
Edition Year: 2020

Fish painting on canvas is completed. It's an acrylic medium artwork with Koi Fish swimming - brightly colored fishies with some lily pads.

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DonnaLiguriaArt to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review! 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Post 33: Etsy Shop - Favorite, Follow, Review and Support Starving Artists!

Get your Etsy on and Favorite, Follow, Review and Support Starving Artists!

The process of getting your paintings "out there" is certainly a challenge and basically a full time job. There are all of the social sites you MUST be on and learning everything you possibly can about EACH relevant site so that your artwork on canvas can be seen. And then all the Art gallery type sites, with all of their various features that must all be learned and managed. Like I said, Full Time Job. And most artists just want time to slap some paint around!

A few of my paintings you may have already seen posted in this blog:

I heard a suggestion today to have your friends go to your Etsy site and doing a keyword specific search for your artwork site and clicking ONLY on your item for sale. Then to spend about 5 minutes or so looking around, clicking and doing what you do on other similar sites from liking and favoriting to commenting. The reason for this is so that your listing will rank better. 

In Marketing, there is a time to ask for the sale and in this case it is where do you go to do that, or LIKE that?

Here is my Etsy Shop and a couple other links which I am still sorting out but I have my paintings posted that are for sale. Give it a visit and Favorite, Follow, Comment, Review, Share, Tweet, Pin, send smoke signals - your help would be much appreciated. Of course, your name will pop up so I will KNOW what you did last week (movie reference)...love the stat features on Etsy BTW.

This Donnascavepainting blog is still where I originate and first post my paintings for sale and here you may get to know me, the artist, a little better, read about my thoughts that may have been going on when painting a canvas, or the crazy thought that occurs when you have to name said artwork. 

Etsy Shop - Donna Liguria Art

Keyword and Keyword Phrases are a word or words you use to search for something. Now, the search results you get, does that fulfill what you had in mind? Tweak the keywords to refine your search. See what a challenge it is?

Keyword phrase placement for best results isn't just a  competition, it is a battle.

Pending List - told you I was working on it. 
Try "DonnaLiguriaArt" to go directly to the Etsy Shop.

Try "panda artwork mom and baby" is one that should bring up this painting:

Etsy Panda Search Results

BTW, LET ME KNOW HOW you found me! That is the "KEY"!

Other Social Sites so far:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/donna.liguria under construction, posting art.

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dlaughsalot/ under construction, but art is posted.

Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/donnaliguria under construction, started.

ArtPal - https://www.artpal.com/DonnaLiguriaArt under construction, one posted.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/DonnaLiguria Still trying to get this one set up. Trouble in Twitterverse. Trying to get one in my real name is proving interesting.

Well, I can add more to this as I get them and it will be fun building out these monsters. What is your weapon of choice online? Leave a comment here too!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Post 32: Take Seeds with You, Poppies 11x14 Oval Acrylic

Painting Name: Take Seeds with You, Poppies

SKU: #12AH20AC
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 11x14 Oval Stretched Canvas
Price: $92.00 + shipping
Edition Year: 2020

Bright red poppy flower painting on a black oval stretched canvas.

When you go for a walk, take seeds with you, poppies, rainbow chard, rocket. Plant them among the weeds in patches of wasteland. See what happens. - Tom Hodgkinson

Below is the painting "in progress" although I want to eyeball it a little more to see if I want to do anything more to it. Sometimes you have to know when to stop, definitely.

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DonnaLiguriaArt to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Post 31: New Lewes, Delaware Beach Painting Commission!! 12x24 Acrylic on Canvas (SOLD)

New Lewes, Delaware Beach Painting Commission

My very first commission has begun! I am so excited! Woohoo!

Painting Name: Lewes Delaware Beach 
SKU: #12AG20AC
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 12 x 24 Stretched Canvas
Price: Commissioned, SOLD
Edition Year: 2020

This painting of the beach in Lewes, Delaware is no longer available, it has been sold.

This is the third version of the Lewes Delaware Beach of this painting with the sand dunes and boardwalk that I have painted. Everyone wants to be THERE - at the Beach!

And this is my friend, Aysen, next to the painting in its new home!

This is when it was nearly final, I think I can finish it up tomorrow, and the completed one will show above. The first one below is when I started it this morning (during the snow).

And this is the pretty close to final this evening. The light will be so much better in the AM to do any touch ups/details.

I do like painting this beach scene - even if it is the third time!! I'm very thankful, I think they turn out a little different each time - and that's ok 

If you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DonnaLiguriaArt

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Post 30: Washington DC Cherry Blossom Explosion 11x14 Acrylic (SOLD)

Painting Name: Washington DC Cherry Blossom Explosion

SKU: #12AF20AC
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 11 x 14 Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2020
Check Availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

Acrylic painting with the annual spring Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC with the Washington Monument in the background and the reflection on the Potomac River.

This one (below) is when it was still in progress...

Of all the time I have lived in the DC area, I can name on one hand the number of times I've actually been in DC at that time of year. True, it is gorgeous. Also true, everyone and their mother-in-law are there all at once the day you decide to go see it. Nature of the beast. Besides, where do you put your car? Then you have to find it again.

If you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DonnaLiguriaArt

Monday, November 30, 2020

Post 29: Peacock Strut 18 x 24 Acrylic on Canvas

Painting Name: Strutting My Peacock Stuff

Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 18 x 24 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2020
Check Availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

Vibrant peacock colors are what this acrylic painting is based on. An original painting with iridescent, vivid blues, greens and yellow - peach "eyes".

My aunt was sending me pictures of her vase with peacock feathers and suggested that a peacock would be a great bird to paint. I agreed. Their colors are magnificent and their "air" of "take a look at ME strutting my stuff" is not to be ignored. 

Most recent update below...

The day before...

This picture is in progress, will post the final when its final. The vase is the inspiration although the vase would be nice to paint too IMHO.

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DonnaLiguriaArt to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review! 

Peacock Feathers in a Vase from my Aunt Judy - inspiration

Update: Friday, May 7, 2021

This painting was juried and selected to appear at Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery at 
15850 Sunshine Ridge Lane, Gainesville, VA 20155 from about May 25 to June 29, 2021. Gratefully, 4 out of 5 of my pieces entered were chosen for display!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Post 28: Isle of Palm Trees 10 x 20 Acrylic on Canvas

Painting Name: Isle of Palm Trees 

SKU: #11AD20AC
Medium: Acrylic Painting
Size: 10 x 20 Stretched Canvas
Price: $188.00 + shipping
Edition Year: 2020
I think I have a theme going with painting seascapes, islands, tropical artwork. Corona virus continues around the world and I am thinking of sitting on an island with the fresh ocean breeze, the ocean doing its thing on the shore, me with toes in the sand.

More like holding a Corona too.

Alas, here I am, Thanksgiving and Black Friday, dreaming of those breezes and sand toes.

Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/shop/DonnaLiguriaArt to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review!