Painting the world more colorful, one canvas at a time. Donna Liguria of Woodbridge, Virginia, paints colorful landscapes, seascapes & escapes with acrylics. Blogging about art & work gives you the back story for each painting. Self-taught: whatever talent I have is God-given. For commissions, please contact me, comment and follow! Support small businesses and check out my Etsy page. Thank you for the visit!
A Painting In Progress: Hydrangeas over a Rock Wall
I thought all hydrangeas could change color depending on the amount of aluminum in the soil, but apparently they do not all do that.
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 16x20 Stretched Canvas
Price: $Pending
Edition Year: 2021
Commissioned? No
Painting in Progress Images…
What would you like to see painted next? Any suggestions? Leave your comments!
Gosh, who wouldn't like a flowering bush that you may be able to control which color you get?
Started this one on Monday, Feb 22, 2021 and here is where I am at 12:30 pm on Feb 24, 2021 so far. The problem with painting hydrangeas is that it is NOT a single flower but a gazillion blooms concentrated in a bundle of them all over a hydrangea bush. Back to the canvas....
See the completed Painting at (coming soon)
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Ever hear about those music artists that have a style of music, a sound that they are known for and then for the next album they change their sound? Anyone creative probably does it occasionally. This one is me trying something different.
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Side Note, if you have purchased one of my paintings, please send me a picture of YOU with the painting and I will post it on the corresponding blog page.
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Well one morning I woke up with the thought to paint Noah's Ark floating out on the water. I didn't want the "bathtub kiddie ark" that you often see depicted and I did not want the stormy skies Ark on the angry water. Another thing I didn't think was too realistic was a bunch of the animals on the top deck looking out over the water. It just didn't seem that Noah would have allowed that or that it was plausible (Noah and family would have had to clean the decks), nor would the Ark have been built that way.
So, as I usually do, I did some research first to get an idea on what the Ark should look like without too much "artistic license". In my internet travels, what could be more interesting than some of the videos about Mount Ararat in Turkey and if they have found the ark? And of special interest to me is the Ark Encounter in Kentucky which led me to this video that I found absolutely fascinating...
Noah’s Ark and the Flood with Dr. Georgia Purdom
This is an hour long video and well worth the viewing and tackles the following:
"Was Noah’s Flood global? How big was the Ark? How did Noah fit all the animals on the Ark? Is there any evidence in rock layers and fossils for the Flood? This presentation will equip you with biblical and scientific answers that show that the Genesis account of the Ark and Flood are true history." A very cool video.
In Genesis, we are told some basics on what the ark looked like along with the size and we know it did not have sails. God steered the Ark where He wanted it. We know it was made of gopher wood and sealed in pitch inside and out. So what color did that make it?
Genesis 6 to 9 tells the story of Noah and about the Ark.
The Wood: Unknown tree today, but it was covered with pitch anyway.
Side Note: I would like to go and see the Ark Encounter someday. There are a lot of videos about the exhibits to check out so have a look at the Ark Encounter
I found this video too, its a good one. Fascinating!
The Ark had several levels and it had one window and one door. Think on that one a moment: One way to be saved and once the door is shut, no one else can enter.
How long did it take for Noah to build the Ark? It is estimated that it took 55 to 75 years for Noah to build the Ark, which also allows time for the people to hear about what was coming. (And that means the pitch would be baked by the sun for quite awhile too.)
We know that God caused wind to help dry the flood waters, which follows that the sea was probably fairly wavy to some degree as well and the sun would have helped evaporate water too.
So the painting started and this is where I ended up...
Often I will look at a painting for a day or so before deciding if it needs anything else. I saw a painting of the Ark with a whale tail but that seems gratuitous, as well as a dove. I would imagine Noah and family had quite a long time of floating about before Noah started letting the dove do a test flight.
I also considered the top of Mount Ararat appearing from under the flood waters off in the distance which is the resting place the Bible says where the Ark is. Genesis 8: 4 "Then the Ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat."
Let me know what you think.
Also See: Is Genesis History?
How to Shop, Follow, Like, Comment and do all the social things for my painting Artworks:
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Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.
Side Note, if you have purchased one of my paintings, please send me a picture of YOU with the painting and I will post it on the corresponding blog page.
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I just didn't want the same old "Noah's Ark" painting with the unrealistic heads of the giraffes poking their heads out and elephant trunks hanging over the edge. Wouldn't the balance of the Ark have been off kilter?
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 16x20 Stretched Canvas
Price: $Pending
Edition Year: 2021
Commissioned? No
Painting in Progress Images…
As per many paintings of boats, they need to start with the sky and water in the background. I'm wondering how quickly someone can name the picture as it develops? From picture 1, or 2, or 3, 4 or 5? Leave your comments!
Image 1: Painting background started
Image 2: Drew in the preliminary shape of the boat and painted in some darker water
Image 3: Started to fill in some boat area
Image 4: Continue laying in basic boat area
Image 5: As they say, it's all in the details. And more details and more details...
Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.
A Side Note, if you have purchased one of my paintings, please send me a picture of YOU with the painting and I will post it on the corresponding blog page!
Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review!
These two mini canvases are gallery wrapped. They are 5 by 5 - bigger than the coffee cup shown here to give you an idea. I painted them with brilliant blue backgrounds.
I like things better design wise in threes or odd numbers, but I did not currently have a third same size canvas. Thus, it does set up the need for doing a rose, or more red grape later, I am thinking. We shall see. I definitely want to paint more grape pictures at some point anyway.
How to Shop, Follow, Like, Comment and do all the social things for my painting Artworks:
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Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review!
Pansy, or pansies, the dictionary describes as, "a popular cultivated viola with flowers in rich colors, with both summer- and winter-flowering varieties."
I have always liked these little flowers and their colors are quite extensive, but the first pansy colors I am painting is a purple - blue pansy with some white, yellow and a touch of orange in its center in a terracotta pot on a light green background.
Like this painting? Need a handmade, original painting as a gift for a friend or family member?
Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review!
Now I have movie quotes going. I'm sure it's not the first time and it will definitely NOT be the last.
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10 Stretched Canvas
Price: $Pending
Edition Year: 2021
Commissioned? No
Painting in Progress Images…
Doesn't everyone have a favorite flower? Actually, most would say these are my top ten flowers probably because there are just so many flowers that we love that it is hard to name a single one, I believe. What would you name in your top ten, or do you have a single favorite? Leave your comments, below!
Pansies are just ONE of mine. Remember in the movie, "You've Got Mail" when Meg Ryan's character is talking about her favorite flower?
Pansies just make me smile and know that spring is here. So many awesome colors and such delicacy. They can be fancy and frilly, but they don't have to be. They can be dressed in solid colors or wear a mixture. Kind of a tough little flower too.
So as always, a painting must start with a background
These pansies decided to be purple so far, with some white, and I think some yellow is coming.
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Or if you want to commission me to do a similar painting for you, please contact me through this blog or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Thank you for visiting, and remember to Follow, Comment, and Review!