Painting Name: Honeybee at Work
What Brought About this Painting?
Busy Bee Series
- Bee Flower Feast
- A Bumble Bee's Butt
- Buzz the Bee 2
- Honey Bee at Work
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Painting the world more colorful, one canvas at a time. Donna Liguria of Woodbridge, Virginia, paints colorful landscapes, seascapes & escapes with acrylics. Blogging about art & work gives you the back story for each painting. Self-taught: whatever talent I have is God-given. For commissions, please contact me, comment and follow! Support small businesses and check out my Etsy page. Thank you for the visit!
He's got the whole world in His hands, He is always in control, and He's coming again soon.
This painting has sold! This lovely lady purchased "Genesis to Revelations - He's Got This" at Open Space Arts at Stonebridge.
This painting was entered into a juried event called "Best of the Region 4" - wish me luck! Creative Brush is once again hosting the Best of the Region 4, which is sponsored by p-ART-ners and the Manassas Art Guild
See the Painting in progress at
My church is Burke Community Church in Burke, VA. In person, 2 services every Sunday or online at - Hope to see you there!
Do you like my paintings? Do you need a handmade, original painting for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member? If you want to commission me to do a painting for you, please contact me through this blog, on Facebook, or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.
Thank you for visiting and remember to Share, to Follow, and please Comment!