Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Post 250: Ballet Slippers, 2 Pairs, 2 Paintings

Ballet Slipper Paintings

Why paint one when you can paint 2? I'm still working on both of these and have a few other irons on the fire.

Painting Name: Pink Ballet Slippers

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Check availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

Painting Name: Ballet Slippers

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 8x10 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Check availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

I'll update these when they are done.


Let me know if you like my paintings and if you need a handmade, original painting for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member. If you want to commission me to do a painting for you, please contact me through this blog, on Facebook, My Website at, or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.

*Thank you for visiting and remember to Share, to Follow, and please Comment!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Post 249: Cornflower Sunrise 11x14 Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Painting Name: Cornflower Sunrise

Blue Cornflowers in a field with a back ground of an orangey sunrise and a bit of lavender mist.

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 11x14 Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Check availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

What Brought About this Painting?

I really like the colors of this one and the picture doesn't do it justice.


Let me know if you like my paintings and if you need a handmade, original painting for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member. If you want to commission me to do a painting for you, please contact me through this blog, on Facebook, My Website at, or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.

*Thank you for visiting and remember to Share, to Follow, and please Comment!

Post 248: Rose Garden Walk 20x20 Acrylic Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Painting Name: Rose Garden Walk

I've painted smaller versions of this painting that have done well. A fence covered with lots of pink roses along a walkway on a much larger canvas are featured on this acrylic painting.

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 20x20 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Check availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

What Brought About this Painting?

It has crossed my mind occasionally that when you are painting flowers, there should be a type of paint that gives off the aroma of that particular flower - wouldn't that be awesome? Imagine walking by a wonderful growth of honeysuckle, or a batch of paperwhites, or lavender, or some very fragrant roses...


Let me know if you like my paintings and if you need a handmade, original painting for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member. If you want to commission me to do a painting for you, please contact me through this blog, on Facebook, My Website at, or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.

*Thank you for visiting and remember to Share, to Follow, and please Comment!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Post 247: Gunston Hall Virginia Historical Home Series IV - 11x14 Acrylic Canvas

Painting Name: Gunston Hall

Living in Alexandria, Northern Virginia area when I was younger and later moving to Central Virginia, I did a lot of passing by of the signs for Gunston Hall. It wasn't until moving back to Northern VA in 2007 that I more recently and finally, visited this historic home owned by George Mason a few years ago. It is always fascinating to walk through these homes and imagine life as it was then - for all that lived and worked in and around these historical homes.

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 11x14 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Check availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

What Brought About this Painting?

Painting local places in and around Virginia is a goal of mine. Places I went to years ago, places I have returned to, places I've lived and places with long histories that I hope will find my canvas. 

Painting in Progress Images…

"Gunston Hall" is nearly finished. It is the fourth painting in my Historical Homes of Virginia Series. Here are the other three:

  1. Mount Vernon in Fairfax County, Virginia
  2. Monticello, Charlottesville in Albemarle County, Virginia
  3. Governor's Mansion in Richmond, Virginia

Thank you for visiting and remember to Share, to Follow, and please Comment!

Let me know if you like my paintings and if you need a handmade, original painting for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member. If you want to commission me to do a painting for you, please contact me through this blog, on Facebook, my Website at, or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Post 246: A Juried Art Show

A Juried Art Show

If you are a new artist, you may not know what certain terminology used in art circles are - which I found out quickly when I first started showing my artwork. Maybe you are in that position too; so I hope this helps you get going when you enter a juried and/or a judged show.

Stonebridge "Open Space Arts" Nov-Dec 2021 in Woodbridge, VA was a juried art event where about 14 artists were entered

1. What does a Juried Art Show mean?

When an art show is "juried", that means that only selected pieces will be accepted to be hung at the event, show, or gallery for the predetermined period of time. The sponsors of the art event want to have a great art show for the visitors to see, for enjoyment and for potential sales. Some art events are "blind juried" which means the judges do not know the name of the artist submitting the work (although the signature may be a give-away). The event will ask for "Call for Entries" to an event, but please follow the directions carefully! The directions may include the following:
  • A fee
  • A certain number of entries allowed with good quality photographs of the work only (usually no background and without the frame) and formatting requirements
  • A theme may be asked for or for you to enter specific categories
  • Size requirements
  • Hanging requirements
  • A due date
A panel of artist peers from the local art community may be the committee to review the entries. Sometimes the judges are gallery owners or curators and are paid a fee for their time. Strong composition, balance, value, color and technique are all reviewed as well as properly framed artwork (as needed).

2. What is a judged art event?

In a judged art exhibit, the works are evaluated for special recognition and are ranked. Awards, cash prizes and other acknowledgements may be a part of some art shows.

3. Why are there only X amount of entries allowed?

An easy answer is that it depends on the space allocated for the display and the size of the artwork necessary to fill that space, along with the number of entries. Be sure to include your best works when entering and the maximum number allowed - without exceeding that number.

4. Why wasn't my artwork selected?

A tougher question to answer and there could be a wide variety of reasons for an artist's work to not be selected. One of the most often reasons for acceptance could be that the photograph of the artwork did not show your work in its best light or format, so the judges were not able to consider the work. Alternatively, the artist may not have followed all the criteria necessary for entry. 

Nonetheless, it is an honor to be selected to a juried event, even if only one of your pieces is accepted. Many artists don't make it in their first attempts, so don't be discouraged.

After the selections are announced, be sure to then follow the directions on how to get your artwork TO the event - including the where, when and exact times.  
Suggested further reading:

Local Art: Visit us at Clearbrook Center of the Arts at Tackett's Mill in Lake Ridge, VA on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 – it’s free to see the artwork! Want to join PWAS? Go to

Thank you for visiting, and remember to Share, Follow, and Comment!

Author: Donna Liguria
An artist member of PWAS in Woodbridge, VA specializing in acrylic painting. She paints landscapes, seascapes, animals and many subjects. Visit her Website at & her Blog at

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Post 245: The Governor's Mansion, Richmond, VA Historical Homes Series III - 11x14 Acrylic Canvas

Painting Name: The Governor's Mansion, Richmond, Virginia Historical Homes Series

Better known as the Executive Mansion, this historical home is where the Governors of Virginia have lived since 1813. This is my third painting in my Virginia Historical Homes Series. The first home was Mount Vernon in Alexandria, the second was Monticello in Charlottesville.

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 11x14 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Check availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

The Governor's Mansion in progress, a few more things to do to it.

Monday, February 14, 2022 I think he's done now, the Governor can move in.

Let me know if you like my paintings and if you need a handmade, original painting for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member? If you want to commission me to do a painting for you, please contact me through this blog, on Facebook, or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork.

Thank you for visiting and remember to Share, to Follow, and please Comment!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Post 244: Historical Homes Series

Historical Homes Series

Painting things local to me is always interesting; there are so many fascinating places in Virginia too. Virginia is a great combination of seasons, sensations, and history since the United States began.

I've painted the gazebo in Occoquan, the Marina at Belmont Bay, Great Falls, and Virginia Beach. For this Historic Home Series, so far I have Mount Vernon and Monticello with the Governor's Mansion in Richmond, Virginia next on the radar.

Painting Name: Mount Vernon, Alexandria, VA

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 11x14 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Check availability and Prints on my Etsy Shop

I spent some of my childhood in Alexandria and my first visit to Mount Vernon was a school field trip. It was fascinating. Years later, upon moving back into the Northern Virginia area, a return to Mount Vernon was a must do. A few times! Even more fun was once seeing the house from the water.

Painting Name: Monticello, Charlottesville, VA

Medium: Acrylic
Size: 11x14 Gallery Wrapped Stretched Canvas
Price: $425
Edition Year: 2022
Framed?: No
Commissioned? No

I lived in Charlottesville and Central Virginia for a good many years. Hence, a few visits to Monticello. More recently, a trip to Monticello AND Trump Winery as its just past Monticello! Again, and even more fascinating house! 

Our US history is what it is. The country wasn't perfect when these guys lived in these houses and it certainly isn't perfect now, but we have made improvements thankfully. Nonetheless, these historical houses are 'monuments' to the founders of this country. There is no where else I would rather live.

See the Next Painting...

The next in the Historical Homes series will be the Governor's Mansion in Richmond, Virginia, so keep an eye out for that one.

See the painting here

See one that tickles your fancy? Let me know!

Let me know if you like my paintings and if you need a handmade, original painting for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member? If you want to commission me to do a painting for you, please contact me through this blog, on Facebook, or go to Donna Liguria Art on Etsy at to shop my available Artwork. Also visit my new website at

Thank you for visiting and remember to Share, to Follow, and please Comment!